This is just a small note for all the people out there currently including the phrase "reverse racism" in their vocabulary. My outrage comes from seeing
Today Tonight using this God-awful phrase as one of their headlines for a (biased, piece of shite, can't believe they have the hide to call themselves journalists, butchering the English language) show next week.
So that we're all singing from the same prayer-book, let's define what racism actually is. It's the doing of an act, that is reasonably likely in all the circumstances, to offend, insult, humiliate or intimate another person or group of people
and that act is done because of the race, colour or national/ethnic origin of the other person or all the people in the group. Thanks for the clear understanding
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth).
Therefore, it's not
reverse racism if another person of other-than-white-Australian origin does something offensive, insulting, humiliating or intimidating to you simply because you're a white Australian. It's simply
racism. Are we clear? No reversal - it's actually quite straight forward. There's no special, new term just for you; except perhaps, the shoe being on the other foot.
And just so it's completely off my chest - using the phrase
reverse racism makes you sound like you watch
Today Tonight and believe the rubbish it sprouts. Not exactly the thinking person's phrase, is it?
There. All better now. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.