Sunday, October 30, 2011

Releasing balloons

Remember as a kid the combined joy and sadness of releasing a balloon? It's so lovely to watch it float up and imagine where it might go; but then sad, because you'd just let your balloon go...

Fun fact: in NSW this would be illegal. Seriously. Apparently releasing balloons is against the Protection of the Environment Operations Act. In fact, if you release 100 or more balloons it's aggravated releasing of balloons. As if you could release balloons in an aggravated manner - it's far too lovely a thing to do... Hello nanny state.

Image from Black *Eiffel

Kate's Crochet Market

How delightful are these images. Sometimes all you need is a little whimsy to make the day better.

 Crocheted delicacies: Woolpride Wool (self-knitting, of course)
Crocheted delicacies: HP Stitch
All images from the Guardian UK

Crocheted delicacies: Fluffy liquid

Monday, October 24, 2011

Best in show: Knit your own cat...

Seriously. I came across this book today while strolling through Dymocks.

Knit your own cat: Best in show: Knit your own cat book cover

Knit your own cat: Best in Show: knit your own ragdoll cat
Images from the UK Guardian.

Apparently there's a dog version of this book. Well, of course.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hey Rosetta! - Bandages

On a hot tip, from a hot boy, I present Bandages by Hey Rosetta! A super cute clip and a lovely little tune...