Sunday, January 15, 2012

Recent Instagram

God I love Instagram for iPhone. Who needs to worry about such things as lighting and f-stops etc when Instagram sorts all that out for you??

The Bribie Island accidental dog-club. I get the impression that this gathering wasn't planned. They all just happened to be there at the one time.

Bribie Island gulls. Much like gulls from anywhere else. It gave me great pleasure naming these little critters, for no reason other than I felt like it.

I've long loved this outdoor sculpture at the Queensland Art Gallery. If only I had taken the time to work out who it was by.

Paddington Salad Bowl : aka - my place

One of my new year's resolutions was to grow some tomatos and rocket. Mission accomplished...well, planted anyway.

4 x Rocket

2 x tomatos
Sure, they don't look like much now. But I can tell you that I trimmed some of that rocket and used it on a sandwich the other day. It tasted exactly like rocket. Clearly the tomatos have got a ways to go before they're any use to me, but I'm a patient woman -  I can wait

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Despite some fellow bloggers' hesitation regarding use of Instagram photos on their blog, I have no such reserve.

Behold this little beauty - captured at the Garden Way yesterday while I was out with my Mum buying tomato & rocket to plant in my little front oasis/yard (tick one resolution/goal partially completed)...

Pretty flowers - Instagram

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cool cat

If you've been here before you know I'm not ordinarily one to post pictures of cats...but this one made me laugh.

Pinned Image
Image from Laura Schulte on Pinterest
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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year - 2012

Okay, I'll be the first to admit that the end to 2011 was less than stellar. But I can feel it in my waters that 2012 is going to be a cracking year. Here's a little photo of a sparkler that helped bring in the new year - are you noticing a sparkler photo theme on this blog??

Since things have changed so much round these parts, I think it's time I wrote out some new goals for the coming year...resolutions, if you will.

  1. I need to stop cussing so much. I could make a sailor blush. Plus, I think lady-like language is the new black. January 1 heralds the dawn of a new language age.
  2. Start dance lessons again - I've had my eye on some ballet classes for a while and they kick off in the week commencing 9 January. Thanks to Queensland Ballet, I'll be twirling like a prima ballerina in no time/learning the first 5 positions. I forsee some swing dancing coming my way again soon too. Whenever Empire Swing kicks off - that's where I'll be.
  3. Grow my own tomatos - I had an accidental go at it a year or so ago, but I plan on making this one a purposeful crack. I may throw some spinach and rocket in for good measure, too. It will be like my own little salad bowl in the front garden.
  4. Go on a mid-year holiday. A friend of mine floated the idea of Thailand, which sounds pretty darn good to me.
  5. Frame this picture and hang it - I just got it from a tiny antique store on Bribie Island yesterday morning with a girlfriend. It came at the bargain basement price of $2.00 - but because I'm so crap at carrying money, I had to borrow 10c - seriously. That's an impressive fro, yes?

Happy new year, peeps. Here's to an awesome 2012!!