Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year - 2012

Okay, I'll be the first to admit that the end to 2011 was less than stellar. But I can feel it in my waters that 2012 is going to be a cracking year. Here's a little photo of a sparkler that helped bring in the new year - are you noticing a sparkler photo theme on this blog??

Since things have changed so much round these parts, I think it's time I wrote out some new goals for the coming year...resolutions, if you will.

  1. I need to stop cussing so much. I could make a sailor blush. Plus, I think lady-like language is the new black. January 1 heralds the dawn of a new language age.
  2. Start dance lessons again - I've had my eye on some ballet classes for a while and they kick off in the week commencing 9 January. Thanks to Queensland Ballet, I'll be twirling like a prima ballerina in no time/learning the first 5 positions. I forsee some swing dancing coming my way again soon too. Whenever Empire Swing kicks off - that's where I'll be.
  3. Grow my own tomatos - I had an accidental go at it a year or so ago, but I plan on making this one a purposeful crack. I may throw some spinach and rocket in for good measure, too. It will be like my own little salad bowl in the front garden.
  4. Go on a mid-year holiday. A friend of mine floated the idea of Thailand, which sounds pretty darn good to me.
  5. Frame this picture and hang it - I just got it from a tiny antique store on Bribie Island yesterday morning with a girlfriend. It came at the bargain basement price of $2.00 - but because I'm so crap at carrying money, I had to borrow 10c - seriously. That's an impressive fro, yes?

Happy new year, peeps. Here's to an awesome 2012!!

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