Monday, February 27, 2012

The Rules of a Gentleman

I just stumbled across The Rules of a Gentleman. What can I say?? They're all true....check it out kids. And for the chaps out there; take note.

Thursday, February 23, 2012 true

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Image from Pinterest

The definitive guide to study, by Clementine Inc

Sure, we've all got our own way. But this is mine, and I swear, it's worked every time:
  1. Sneaky small glasses of red wine early in the afternoon/evening before one partakes in study - something about relaxing before studying works for me;
  2. Kumato and gourmet cheese toasties - delicious, but probably of little nutritional value. In any event, it matters not for study purposes; all that stress will sweat the fat out;
  3. Browsing through the latest Frankie magazine - procrastination means your study will be all the more focused;
  4. Listening to fun music, and having a dance when there's no one around - in my view, it's the only way to achieve the "dance like no one is watching" effect. Case in point - Sometimes by the Bandana Splits...